Thursday, May 14, 2009
GO FORTH AND PROSPER . . . . You must RUN to see the new Star Trek movie!!!!! All the reviews are right – this is a dynamite summer movie! GGGREAT FUN!!!!! And I give it 4 (out of 4) thimbles!! The special effects are terrific and the stars of this movie have nailed the personas of the original characters – I could see this one again...and again!!!!!
I NEED TO THANK . . .you all for your comments and encouragement! We are going to have FUN on this blog ride! It is so wonderful to hear from you all from places so far away! Ahhhh, that's the wonder of it all - to communicate and share.
AND, we DO have a winner!!!! The visual phrase in my last post translates to "You CAN teach this old man new tricks!" It was FUN for me to put that puzzle together and it seems you liked it (you really, really liked it!). It's true - I am learning new tricks and, surprisingly, ENJOYING IT!!!!!! You may not believe it, but I am a guy who has made a conscious decision NOT to even own a cell phone! I was chained to one when working for a major bank for years and years and years (frankly, I'm surprised that phone wasn't INGROWN into my ear!!!). And yet, here I am now WRITING A BLOG (I STILL can't believe it!!!). I know a blog is not a cell phone - but it equates somehow to me as an "electronic/computer thing." ANYWAY, my random picked winner is HollyC!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Holly!!!!! PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL,, AND I'LL SEND YOU YOUR 4 LECIEN FAT QUARTERS!
Reminder: if you haven't already, you must read my first post and enter the contest to win a kit from ThimbleCreek!! THAT give-away contest ends on March 20th! And, you MUST keep checking back to my blog, because there will be MORE give-aways coming!!!
WHILE I AM EXCITED ABOUT SUMMER ALMOST BEING HERE. . . .I can't help but to start thinking about Halloween projects. Meg from Crab-apple Hill has a new Halloween pattern that we will be kitting. It's called Vintage Trick or Treat and it takes me back to a time when I was a "bum" (for SEVERAL consecutive years!) as a kid, trick or treating to all hours of the night! I love this quilt - and if you like to embroider and piece, then this is the quilt for you! We are doing this one in more vintage "hues". We're using the incredible Cosmo embroidery floss for our kits along with more vintage fabrics for the piecing. This one will no doubt be as big a hit as Hocuspocusville was last year! We are taking pre-orders for this one - we need to have an idea of how many kits we will be making so we can order the Cosmo floss NOW! I'm sorry that the photos below do not do justice to the quilt. Also, below is a sampling of the fabrics and floss that we will be using.

YOU, as my blogging FRIENDS, have first shot at signing up for this amazing kit! Kits will not be mailed until we have all the floss and fabrics assembled, but your $25 deposit will hold your kit. The price of the complete kit is $94.99. It will include all fabric for the quilt top (including border and binding), rick rack, and Cosmo floss. Backing is not included. The balance of $69.99 will be charged at the time of mailing. As the quilt sample comes together, I'll be sharing photos. Don't miss out on this one! CALL THE SHOP TO SIGN UP NOW!!
(925) 676-5522
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars.
- Les Brown
OK, you've gotta STAY TUNED . . . . check back for more FUN . . . .there will be oh so many more surprises coming this summer!!!