Be forewarned....I am VERY excited about
JULIE & JULIA!!!!!!!!

I recently read the book and could not WAIT for the movie. In fact, as soon as I finished the book, I IMMEDIATELY read Julia Child's book, My Life In France. The movie is based on both books and it is a MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!
I have read a few reviews and I agree with a lot of the reviewers' comments. Meryl Streep is amazing (she is a singular sensation!!!) and Amy Adams is terrific as Julie. I wanted to see more of Meryl simply because I think she's the best actress out there, bar none. But the movie did not suffer from not enough Meryl.

The stories are wonderfully interwoven jumping from Paris to New York. There is a connection between these two ladies that is wonderful to watch. Roxie and I had smiles on our faces throughout the movie. IT IS A DELIGHT!!!! And I rate it FIVE out of four thimbles!!!!
I should also state that you should not go to this movie if you are hungry. Maybe it won't matter, because you'll be ready to eat AGAIN after watching this gastronomic delight. We had a late dinner after the movie - and we savored EVERY bite!!!
Without hesitation I am telling you to GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! I may be premature, but this one is Oscar worthy!! And Meryl should be a shoo in for Best Actress!!!!!
Now, get me to Paris!!! I want to live where Julia lived, cook where Julia cooked, shop where Julia shopped, walk the streets that Julia walked, and live the life that Julia and Paul lived.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bon appetit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I want to give away the book, Julie & Julia. All you have to do is comment back to me - TELL ME WHAT SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE PERSONALITY PLAYED JULIA IN A HILARIOUS SEND UP OF JULIA CHILD. This skit is in the movie - and is hilarious!!!!

I needed to share my delight with Julie & Julia with quilting news today!!!!
Enter the drawing today....I'll announce the winner of the book in my next post!!!
Stay Tuned for more......... joe